Women’s Circle

Women’s Circle

Women's Circle aims to bring women and their children together and serve as a community education and relief space. In Senegal Baghere, the women works hard to grow children and gain their life for their family. After a hard work day, they need a place where they can come together and join the community to discuss the topic of the day and the further issues about the village, they may give decision, give support to each other and share different ideas and then organise for bigger problems. Whenever they come together, they get stronger. 
By the light of these inputs, we aimed to create an open welcoming space where women come across with others, bring their children and commend to the caretakers through the day when they are on work, and also which offer a farmer job for those who may want to work as a farmer on the agriculture region of the site. Women can learn to make handcrafts here, and after the production step, the place serves as an exhibition and selling space for their final works. For this exhibition space we used porous facades and make the people connect and see each other when they joined one of the activities inside.
Mass Diagram
In order to make a community in here, we decided to make this place as sociable as it can be, therefore we divided into modules to increase circulation and social areas.
Create Center
Create Center
Divide into two, Make a Corridor
Divide into two, Make a Corridor
Divide More, Make Reachable
Divide More, Make Reachable
Put Some Roof, Get Some Water
Put Some Roof, Get Some Water
More Shading, More Comfort
More Shading, More Comfort



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