Paper-Tube Shell

Paper-Tube Shell

Day 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2
Day 3
Day 3
Day 4
Day 4
Day 5
Day 5

Jerzy Latka | Wroclaw University
Mauricio Morales Beltran | Yasar University
Peter Eigenraam | TUDelft University

2019 | Shelter
Izmir | Bornova

With two professors from TUDelft and Wroclaw
Univesities we designed and builded a shell
structure with paper tubes as a sheltering area
after diseaster. Project took 5 days to finish it.
Everyone had a different responsibilities. Mine was
to system details, founding and design a solution
how to connect 3 hyperbolic together at center
point together.
The first day we come up with a design, and this design we used hyperboles as our
shape, The reason is the shape itself doesn’t requires columns if you connect them like one objects so we made 3 hyperboles and decided to connect them on edge.

During this workshop we divided into several different divisions. Such as, modeling
group. Models the building we planning to build, material researcher which they finds a solution about how to protect the paper with a cheap material.

Our division was the details. We had to solve how this building will stand or connects by drawing detailed drawing of them and prove it with static.

After all the detail drawings, modelings and research finished we all together focused on building the structure and we had 2 days left to finish it. We worked day and night to finish the project in the dead line.

Last day we finally finished all the structures and only thing left to do was assemble all the pieces in the site.

Paper-tube workshop is was about design and build a temporary shelter with paper after a disaster. That was the scnerio they gave to us and this workshop took 5 days. 

This workshop made with 15 people and each one of us had specific job. Mine was to found a solution about how to connect this three hyperbolic structure together.

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