MARUF’22 (Marmara Urban Forum) is a project about mapping Marmara partnered with AURA İstanbul and Union of Municipalities of Marmara. The installation is about what we lost, polluted  and what riches we still have around Marmara. The main aim to not just show the chaos and pollution we are facing or exhibiting cultural riches we have. The idea is whatever we have, good or bad. We can still act. We can still change to save our cities or show their full potential.
Flamingos are Still Coming Near the Bay in Izmit
Flamingos are Still Coming Near the Bay in Izmit
Etibank Still Leaves It's Waste to the Dam in Bandırma
Etibank Still Leaves It's Waste to the Dam in Bandırma
Stıll Unable to Walk Around the Lake in Sapanca
Stıll Unable to Walk Around the Lake in Sapanca
Wastes Still Polluting the Bay in Izmit
Wastes Still Polluting the Bay in Izmit
There are Still Ruins of the Ancient City of Kyzikos in Bandırma
There are Still Ruins of the Ancient City of Kyzikos in Bandırma
Wastes Still Polluting the Bay in Izmit
Wastes Still Polluting the Bay in Izmit
There Is Still Agricultural and Tourism Wastes in Kuş Lake
There Is Still Agricultural and Tourism Wastes in Kuş Lake

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