MARUF’22 (Marmara Urban Forum) is a project about mapping Marmara partnered with AURA İstanbul and Union of Municipalities of Marmara. The installation is actually a commentary about the absurd signs and outcome of political decisions of current leaders in Turkey. Sapanca was known for its place for retired and country people. However right now its focused for tourism. The problem is it's not controlled. Hotels constructed right in front of the lake to close the connection to the lake for everyone. Trees are cut down to construct bungalows or summer houses for extreme prices. When we talked with natives in Sapanca, right now they feel that they are the foreign in here. Therefore we wanted to show this chaos by showing every sign we saw because some signs does not even make sense such as "Caution, Green Area" and maked an installation called WORDS. 
Stop sign?
Stop sign?
Caution! Green area
Caution! Green area
This Lake Swimming Dangerous For
This Lake Swimming Dangerous For
What is what?
What is what?

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